Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Primal Blueprint Cookbook Preview plus part of a plan

Man this makes me happy, love the music and am trying out the method of eating and exercising.   Hoping that I will feel better.  My life has gotten so small due to inflammatory illness, hypothroidism and obesity.  Gonna give this a shot.  Am reading the Primal Blueprint to start with and am going primal as I understand it in the moment.

So my plan for the year is as follows:
  1. Keep reading the Primal Blueprint
  2. Go the gym four days per week
  3. Keep doctor's appointments/blood tests
  4. Sleep as needed
  5. Take supplements daily
  6. Clean out veggie drawer and stock it with lettuce only
  7. Put rest of veggies in the fruit drawer
  8. Do initial GROK exercises with DS
  9. Pre-prepare some meat based meals for easy/quick dinners
  10. Shop outside grocery aisles, farmers markets and online sources

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