Be Thankful Board:
I hope you will all forgive me for starting to post Thanksgiving ideas. I know Halloween isn’t over, but I just love Thanksgiving and the message that we should stop and thank those around us for everything we have. I also love the food involved in this holiday too.

I wanted to make a small something that would help me remember to stop and think about being thankful. I loved Brooke’s canvas she made last year and wanted to try something like that. I decided on this Be Thankful wood board. I hope you enjoy.
You will need:
a wooden board
scrapbook paper
brown paint
Mod Podge
Vinyl lettering
Ribbon if desired (I ended up not using any ribbon)
Begin by painting your board. I just painted the outside edges and some of the front, but since I was going to cover it, why waste more time painting right?!?

Measure the front of the board and cut your paper to size. I made sure that my paper was just a smidgen smaller then the front cause I wanted some of the brown paint to show. Put some Mod Podge on your board and adhere your paper to the board.
Add your vinyl. I cut mine out with my Silhouette. Make it any saying that you want. I then took my sponge paintbrush and just brushed it up against the edged to give it that inked and smudge look. You can’t go wrong here. If you get too much paint in a spot just rub it with your finger and it will smudge it again. I wouldn’t dip your brush at all, just use what is left after painting the board.
Add a top coat of Mod Podge and there you have it. A beautiful board to remind you to be thankful.
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